3D Metalforge Limited

Levi’s role

Levi acted as the Deed Administrator and subsequently the Trustee of the Creditors’ Trust for this ASX entity. Levi’s responsibilities encompassed overseeing the implementation of the Deed of Company Arrangement, dealing with commercial and compliance issues with ASX and ASIC, EGM of shareholders and managing the affairs of the Creditors’ Trust to ensure the equitable distribution of assets to creditors, and reconstruction of share register.



Levi oversaw the company’s reorganisation and enabled it to be returned to a new Board while addressing financial challenges. The first and final distribution exceeded the expectations of creditors and represented a significant achievement in maximising returns for creditors. This was followed by the orderly termination of the Deed of Company Arrangement and return of control to the then company directors towards relisting on ASX.


  • Deed Administration
  • Trustee of Creditors’ Trust
  • Asset Distribution